Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013

Dr. Fuhrman's EAT TO LIVE - a life saving book!!

Well, I did not buy this book for loosing weight! I bought it for my parents. They are not fat at all but they take a lot of meds where I am sure they could at least minimise them with more vegetables, especially raw vegetables - and NO coffee, cakes, meat, pasta and white bread. I just wanted to have more arguments ;-) So, yesterday it arrived! When I started to read (and Im still reading) Fuhrmans words I thougth: hey, this is e x a c t l y what I live!!! Just in the oil-point I dont agree with him. Our brain needs fat! Our organism needs fat as well to get all the nutritions out of the veggies. Anyway, I am not able to eat megabig portions of salad or other raw veggies - so I need oil the get enough calories, otherwise I would get to skinny.
As well I can say that this book is really made for the burger-fries-donat-cookies-eating american who lost all ideas about what the meaning of food could be.
So this book is written for another planet! But - and here this book is so amazingly important and LIFE SAVING for everybody who is suffering from several deseases or wants to prevent them: Fuhrman explains so simple and wonderful the connection between heart-deseases, diabetes etc., the development of cancer and FOOD!!
My parents are living in germany, Berlin so I write them mails and call them several times to tell them the message and I congure them to give this way of eating a try for about 4 weeks.
I actually tryed already before reading Fuhrman's book to make them eating healthier. There is hope that they are open - because since some weeks they have a green smoothie every morning. This is a good base, a good start for more.
And now I have even better arguments and examples! :-)
Thank you Dr. Fuhrman!!

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