Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013

Wintersalad with fennel and apple

A delicious salad with fennel, mizuna salad, wild herbes, apple, peeled hemp seeds, sesam seeds, hemp oil, vinegar, salt, pepper - very refreshing!

"Markthalle 9" - its like paradise there....

Today I bought my food like every saturday in Markthalle 9 - my favourite markethall in Berlin - its an fantastic atmosphere there, just around my corner in Kreuzberg. Its mostly organic and always regional (exept some bananas) - the avocados I bought somewhere else.
There is a guy who is even selling wonderful wild herbes - great for my green smoothies.

Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

Beetroot Soup

Beetroot, pumpkin, potatoes, parsleyroot, orange, apple, roasted onion, later roasted seeds....and some spices and hempseed oil...I forgot the parsley....a delicious soup for a cold-humid sunday in fall.

Samstag, 5. Oktober 2013

My green collection

Even just to watch this makes me happy :-)

Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013

Simply a fruit smoothie

so smooth... 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 lemon, a bit water...thats all....simple, delicious and refreshing :-)

Creamy crunchy hazelnut squish

This is suuuch a dream: hazelnuts just with molasses in the Vitamix....stop before too creamy....delicious :-) great to use for desserts with fruit squish and soy cream......

He arrived!

Oh my goodness, the Vitamix arrived!! Unfortunatley in blaack...but hey, I am sooo happy to have the possibility to try this Vitamix for 2 MONTHS for FREE! Many thanks to - the german distributor for the Vitamix and many other stuff for our health.
I think I fall in love with this huge blendermonster....